Saturday, March 28, 2009

Our first shower of love!

So today, thanks to the hard work of Kathy, Cindy, Jennifer, and Allison, Trevor and I had our first official wedding shower. It was wonderful. I went and was surrounded by so much love and wisdom. Instead of the typical shower games the women gave me advice and it was really special. We also got spoiled rotten. People say we should enjoy it and we are. How could we not feel absolutely happy when people love us so much.

After the shower me and three of the bridesmaids spent all afternoon (not an exaggeration) plugging away at getting the invites done and we finally succeeded at like eight in the evening. Katie and Michelle are the queen bird gluers and Jo was an awesome ribbon tyer. It is hard for me, but I am finally asking for help with getting this wedding ready (being how it is two months away). The girls helped me so much and it made it so much more fun than just being by myself. My mom and Trev's mom have also been so awesome about keeping me in line and focused. I need them.

Thanks again to all you women (and Jamal) who came. I couldn't have asked for a better time.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Save-the-Dates are out and I would like to say to any new person who may be interested in this site as a result, hello and thank you. Trevor and I wouldn't be the people we are today without you all, and if that is the case we wouldn't have this site, because we wouldn't be getting married. I love every person that helped shape who Trevor is, because I love Trevor so much, and he loves me.

Also, new wedding news, we have officially ordered our wedding cake, from a really cute bakery in Bentonville suggested to us by our friends the Lampkins and we have prospective shower dates... the Christian Fellowship/Vintage/my mom's friends shower comes first on March 28, and then the Little Rock crew/ Jodi's friends follows on April 25th. I am almost positive these are the dates, but I was sort of winging it via memory and the calendar on the computer.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Save-the-Dates are in the mail! Hooray!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

New addition!

So Trevor and I are now the proud and loving parents of a half great dane half lab puppy. He is precious and wonderful. He, Louis Shulman, is already, at around eight weeks old, potty-trained and he sleeps through the night. I love him, so very much. We both do. He lives with Trevor, but he is over at our house a lot. My dad surprisingly enough really likes Louis and lets him be around. An accomplishment for a man who has sworn our family will never have a dog. He, Louis, really likes the Bates' house too. Their chocolate lab Ginger and Louis play so well together which is funny to me because Ginger is full grown and our baby just thinks he is. Anyway, I don't know how to post pictures, but maybe Trevor will after he reads this. I did put some on my facebook for those of you who can find me on there.

Wedding related: I need to send out the save-the-dates. pronto. and that is pretty much what has happened since the last time either of us has written.