The Save-the-Dates are out and I would like to say to any new person who may be interested in this site as a result, hello and thank you. Trevor and I wouldn't be the people we are today without you all, and if that is the case we wouldn't have this site, because we wouldn't be getting married. I love every person that helped shape who Trevor is, because I love Trevor so much, and he loves me.
Also, new wedding news, we have officially ordered our wedding cake, from a really cute bakery in Bentonville suggested to us by our friends the Lampkins and we have prospective shower dates... the Christian Fellowship/Vintage/my mom's friends shower comes first on March 28, and then the Little Rock crew/ Jodi's friends follows on April 25th. I am almost positive these are the dates, but I was sort of winging it via memory and the calendar on the computer.
Road Trip Reflections
5 years ago