Friday, November 21, 2008

On Your Marks, Get Set

And its off to the races! That's right, folks. The deed is done (partially). Elly and I have spent the better part of the week setting up registries at various registry-type stores!

The week started with us making a trip to Bentonville to visit with a potential cake-baker. She had taste tests ready for us at the door. Exquisite sublimity. We then decided to venture over to the fear-inspiring Promenade Mall - a twisted land where Christmas songs seeps out at you from beneath inconspicuous rocks. This place has a brand of surreal Romanticism all it's own. And what a wonderland of gifts! We perused the usual suspects: PB, WS, BBB. We registered at all three but it wasn't until we got home and began making changes via the World Wide InterWeb that we found our favorite (cheapest by coincidence): C&B. More to come.

Follow the rabbit hole:

And we're going to be in Oklahoma City for New Year's:


Anonymous said...

Hooray! I love weddings... and Elly... maybe Trev... but certainly Elly!

Trevor Bates said...

I love Elly too!

Candice Houston said...

So, we are going to try to get tickets for the Flaming Lips, too! My jealousy overtook me! I have to at least try!
Crate and Barrel rules! I looove weddings!